LEGAL LOUNGE, by Pocket Lawyer, is a self-navigable legal library with graphics, videos, and other content covering justicial & legal topics that impact the daily lives of many.

Legal Lounge content is organized by subject area and the knowledge from which we base and build it continually evolves, so if there is a legal topic of interest to you that is not currently covered in Legal Lounge, check back with us soon - we are continually working to add to our library so that we can better empower our visitors.

A Better You Bail & Pre-trial Compliance Crimes and Criminal Law Educational Civil Rights
Election Law & Voting Rights Expunging & Sealing Criminal Records Family Law, Domestic Rights & Responsibilities HIV/AIDS Rights, Responsibilities & Services
Homeless Citizens Rights & Services Know: Judicial Processes Know: Prison System, Visitation, & Families of the Incarcerated Know: Social Media & your Legal Responsibilities
Know: Your Public Defender Medical & Retail Cannabis Access Police Stops & Searches Prisoner's Rights & Responsibilities
Social Services Tenants' Rights & Responsibilities Workplace Rights

Legal Lounge provides self-navigable access to legal informational content, and like all of Pocket Lawyer services is not intended to be or serve as a substitute for legal counsel, but is intended to empower visitors with the knowledge of justicial topics that impact them